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    Webinar // Archives for Instructional materials/curriculum

    Instructional materials/curriculum

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    Re-visioning and building capacity for literacy instruction in the 21st century

    By Nirvani Budram, Jacqueline Kennedy, Katie Shuman and Irene Spence | May 25, 2021

    Learn about a sustainable, replicable professional learning model that can support schools as they move from using traditional classroom approaches of literacy instruction to using blended learning models of literacy instruction.

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    Assessing student work online

    By Chase Nordengren, Derrick Swistak, Tracey Giardina and Melissa Spadin | February 25, 2021

    For this webinar, we will discuss resources and professional learning supports for educators who are engaged in virtual or hybrid teaching and adjusting assessment practices to online learning.

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    Culturally responsive instruction in an online world

    By Tanji Reed Marshall, Linda Rost and Steve Becton | February 11, 2021

    This webinar will focus on the key resources, strategies, and ideas at the classroom, school, and organizational levels for delivering culturally responsive instruction in an online world so that all students experience success.

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    Transforming teaching through curriculum-based professional learning

    By Jim Short, Stephanie Hirsh, Kalonda Colson McDonald and Katherine L. McNeill | February 4, 2021

    Watch this webinar to learn how schools and systems ensure teachers experience the instruction their students experience so they change their instructional practices, leading to better student outcomes.

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    Assessment approaches for today’s learning environments

    By Scott Marion, Katherine T. Smith and T. Nakia Towns | August 20, 2020

    Coordinating meaningful assessment approaches is among the top instructional challenges educators face in kicking off this highly unusual school year. Educators will need to take into account the mix of remote, in-person, and hybrid teaching that will occur in many contexts. This webinar will explore strategies and considerations for assessing student learning effectively.

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    Preparing for re-opening – creating an instructional plan

    By Jody Guarino, Thomas Arnett and Aaron Bouie III | June 25, 2020

    Learn with thoughtful practitioners and leading voices about their approach to setting rigorous learning goals for students and instructional plans that are responsive to whatever formats learning takes.

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