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    Webinar // Archives for Social & emotional learning

    Social & emotional learning

    Feb 2 webinar thumbnail

    Trauma-informed practices: Building teachers’ and students’ resilience in stressful times

    By Ginger Christian, Kevin Graham, Sue Kim and Victoria E. Romero | February 2, 2023

    This webinar explores the impact of stress and adverse life experiences and explains how building educators’ use of trauma-informed practice can lead to benefits for all students and staff.

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    Educator health and wellbeing: Put on your own oxygen mask first

    By Olimpia Bahena, Kimberly Dennis, Constance Easton, Eleajah McElroy and Laura Lee Summers | May 5, 2022

    Panelists will focus on tips and strategies to promote educator health and wellbeing, including how they strengthen and care for their own needs so that they are healthier and better able to help others.

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    Focusing on social and emotional learning and student success: Experiences and resources

    By Rebecca Bailey, Lorea Martínez, Angelyn Nichols and Kristen Rulison | November 4, 2021

    Thursday, November 4, 3 – 4 P.M. Eastern

    This webinar will explore new research as well as a variety of approaches and strategies related to social and emotional learning and supports.

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    Strategies for summer: How to support students and families

    By Kiri Soares, Marsha Derice, Lisa White and Jackie DuPont | May 20, 2021

    After a year of isolation and trauma, we’re all placing a lot of expectations on this summer. How can educators support students’ needs in a balanced way over the summer? During this webinar, district leaders and youth development experts will share how they are approaching summer learning and enrichment this year.

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    Sustaining your wellness for the long haul

    By Angel Montoya, Christopher J. Cormier and Nancy L. Markowitz | January 14, 2021

    As we approach the midpoint of this challenging school year, skyrocketing stress levels are understandable. But they don’t have to lead to burnout. On this webinar, presenters will discuss how to cope when your energy reserves are depleted but the challenges just keep coming.

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    Attending to the health and wellness of educators as the school year starts

    By Laura Lee Summers, Jane Santa Cruz, Shannon Kersey and Heather Petruzzini | August 27, 2020

    Hear from panelists about their efforts to ensure the SEL needs of educators are being met as we begin the school year.

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