Ginger Christian
Ginger Christian is an assistant professor at East Tennessee State University for the Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis Department. Originally a special educator, she has experience in elementary, middle, and high school administration and champions opportunities for innovation, school leadership, and P-20 redesign. As an elementary principal, she facilitated a partnership with the University of Tennessee focused on trauma-informed practices resulting in a TN State Gold Level of Model School Designation. She specializes in leading organizational systemic changes grounded in implementing Resilient Systems and believes school and university collaboration is the fuel for innovation to occur.
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Trauma-informed practices: Building teachers’ and students' resilience in stressful times
Levels of stress and trauma are high in schools, affecting student behavior, academic learning, school culture, and more. But the signs of trauma aren’t always easy to recognize or address. This webinar will explore the impact of stress and adverse life experiences and explain how building educators’ use of trauma-informed […] -
What to do when the kids aren’t alright
In the aftermath of the acute phases of COVID-19, some schools are adopting trauma-informed, high-leverage practices to help educators and students cope with the psychological impact of the pandemic on learning. But given the scope of the pandemic’s devastation, scattershot approaches are not enough. We need systemic approaches to ensure […]