Lorea Martínez
Lorea Martínez is the award-winning founder of HEART in Mind, a consulting company dedicated to helping schools and organizations integrate Social Emotional Learning (SEL) in their practices, products, and learning communities. An educator who has worked with children and adults internationally, Martínez is a faculty member at Columbia University Teachers College, educating aspiring principals in Emotional Intelligence. Her new book for educators, Teaching with the HEART in Mind, is currently available. Previously, she was a special education teacher and administrator. She frequently blogs about how to incorporate SEL in teaching practices and parenting at loreamartinez.com
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Focusing on social and emotional learning and student success: Experiences and resources
Attending to social and emotional learning is especially important now as we are all working through our experiences during the pandemic and in this new pandemic-related chapter of learning. This webinar will explore new research as well as a variety of approaches and strategies related to social and emotional learning […]