Kimberly Dennis
Kimberly Dennis began her career in education in 2006 as a high school mathematics teacher in Clarksville-Montgomery County School System (CMCSS). During this time, she served as a new teacher mentor, mentor to high school students hoping to pursue a career working with children, and lead teacher for the Academy of Media Arts and Technology that was embedded in the high school. After eleven years in the classroom and receiving her Masters in Curriculum and Instruction in 2012 at Austin Peay State University, she served as a Technology Integration Coach in CMCSS from 2017-2020. As a Technology Integration Coach, Kimberly mentored Technology Integration Coaches that were new to the role. Kimberly began serving as the New Teacher Induction Facilitator in 2020.
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Educator health and wellbeing: Put on your own oxygen mask first
May 2 - May 6 is Teacher Appreciation Week and what better way to appreciate yourselves and your colleagues than taking an hour to focus on tips and strategies to promote educator health and wellbeing? These past couple of years have been incredibly stressful and we want to support all […]