
Instructional coaches and principals: An essential partnership for school success

04 13 23 webinar thumbnail

School-based instructional coaching is a powerful professional learning design that improves teacher practice and student success. But sometimes coaches find themselves working on tasks that do not impact teacher and student learning. When principals clearly communicate instructional expectations, and support coaches to help teachers meet those expectations, the impact of coaching is maximized.

This webinar will examine effective building-level instructional coach-principal partnerships that ensure coaches’ work leads to student improvement. Learn from schools that have developed true partnerships between leaders and coaches, how they’ve done it, and what it has meant for teaching and learning.

Participants of this webinar will:

  • See how learning-focused partnerships between principals and instructional coaches lead to teacher and student growth;
  • Examine the characteristics of effective building-level instructional coaching programs;
  • Gain strategies for effective communication and feedback between the principal and coach;
  • See how principals support coaching through the allocation of time and resources; and
  • Gather ideas for making coaching a key part of teacher retention and support strategies.

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