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    With professional learning, priorities matter

    By Denise Glyn Borders
    Categories: Continuous improvement, Data, Evaluation & impact, Implementation, Outcomes, Research
    August 2019
    Vol. 40 No. 4
    All executives make choices about what to prioritize. Their priorities are evident by where they spend their time, what they say, who they talk with, and where they spend money. I believe that professional learning is most likely to achieve its full power to advance school systems when state superintendents and district CEOs highlight it and invest in it as a driving priority. Those who do put the following responsibilities at the top of their to-do lists. Embrace the learning sciences. Those leaders committed to results from professional learning commit to understanding and leveraging what they learn from relevant research literature. Successful superintendents know that leadership now demands becoming more knowledgeable about the learning sciences. Learning sciences is a design science that incorporates research and

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    Denise Glyn Borders

    Denise Glyn Borders is excutive director of Learning Forward.

    Let me hear from you

    In my first several columns for The Learning Professional, I’ll highlight specific issues that are core to my concerns as Learning Forward’s executive director. I look forward to hearing your input and questions anytime.

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    Denise Glyn Borders served as Learning Forward President and CEO from 2019 to 2022. Before that, she was president of SRI Education, a division at SRI International, where she led three centers – Learning and Development, Technology and Learning, and Education Policy. Previously, Borders was senior vice president and director of the U.S. Education and Workforce Development Group at FHI 360, a global human development organization with an evidence-based research approach.

    Categories: Continuous improvement, Data, Evaluation & impact, Implementation, Outcomes, Research

    The Learning Professional

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