In Colorado’s St. Vrain Valley Schools, we knew we needed a new way to recruit and train teachers. In recent years, we have been experiencing a decline in the number of new teachers and teacher candidates. At the same time, we have been asking ourselves how to break down barriers that have kept the teacher preparation pipeline from working for traditionally underrepresented members of our community. The district already offered multiple career pathway programs, but our teacher pipeline relied on universities, and we recognized that this was limiting the pool of candidates, especially diverse and first-generation students. After reflecting, we realized: What better place for recruiting and developing teachers than from our own community? This is how Pathways to Teaching (P-TEACH), a program to encourage

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David Baker ( is professional development coordinator at St. Vrain Valley Schools in Longmont, Colorado.

Dana curton
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Dana Curton ( is special education instructional coach and P-TEACH instructor at St. Vrain Valley Schools in Longmont, Colorado.

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Melissa Dole ( is P-TEACH counselor at St. Vrain Valley Schools in Longmont, Colorado.

Image for aesthetic effect only - Wendy Howenstein
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Wendy Howenstein (howenstein_wendy is P-TEACH coordinator and instructorat St. Vrain Valley Schools in Longmont, Colorado.

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Nicole Rudman ( is P-TEACH apprentice/professional coordinator and instructor at St. Vrain Valley Schools in Longmont, Colorado.

Categories: Career pathways, Implementation, Learning designs, Learning systems/planning, Mentoring & induction

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