Dana Curton
Dana Curton (curton_dana@svvsd.org) is special education instructional coach and P-TEACH instructor at St. Vrain Valley Schools in Longmont, Colorado.
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Novice special education teachers benefit from mentoring
St. Vrain Valley Schools, in Colorado, serves over 33,000 students and has a diverse population, including 4,100 students with disabilities. As the district has grown in recent years, the number of students with disabilities has been steadily increasing, resulting in a growing demand for special education teachers. Simultaneously, and as […] -
ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: New pathways to teaching break down barriers
In Colorado’s St. Vrain Valley Schools, we knew we needed a new way to recruit and train teachers. In recent years, we have been experiencing a decline in the number of new teachers and teacher candidates. At the same time, we have been asking ourselves how to break down barriers […]