A school is much more than a collection of individual classrooms. Although teachers have an undeniable impact on the students in their classrooms, school culture and structure can effectively support or dramatically limit teachers’ capacity to grow — and, therefore, their students’ capacity to learn. But the influence of school culture and structure on teacher practice is too often overlooked as a lever for improvement (Johnson, 2019; Quintero, 2017). Fostering a collaborative and learning-oriented culture can improve teachers’ and students’ success. One promising model for doing so is a professional learning approach we witnessed in 2018-19 as part of a larger study of teacher leadership programs (Berg et al., 2019): coupling coaching with model classrooms. In model classrooms, teachers who have participated in professional learning open

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Berg, J., Horn, P., Supovitz, J., & Margolis, J. (2019). Typology of teacher leader programs: A scan of U.S. programs + initiatives that support teachers to take new and varied roles. Consortium for Policy Research in Education (CPRE).

Johnson, S. (2020). Where teachers thrive: Organizing schools for success. Harvard Education Press.

Margolis, J. & Doring, A. (2012). The fundamental dilemma of teacher leader facilitated professional development: Do as I (kind of) say, not as I (sort of) do. Educational Administration Quarterly, 48(5), 855-882.

Margolis, J., Durbin, R., & Doring, A. (2017). The missing link in teacher professional development: Student presence. Professional Development in Education, 43(1), 23-35.

Quintero, E. (2017). Teaching in context: The social side of education reform. Harvard Education Press.

Image for aesthetic effect only - Jason Margolis-2
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Jason Margolis ( is a professor of education at Duquesne University.

Image for aesthetic effect only - Jill Harrison Berg
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Categories: Coaching, Facilitation, Fundamentals, Implementation, Learning designs, Teacher leadership

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