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    Webinar // Archives for Leadership


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    Equity-centered leadership in challenging times

    By Ann Levett, Sheila McCabe and Alissa Peltzman | October 22, 2020

    During this webinar, two equity-centered leaders will share how they and their systems are attending to the well-being and academics of each of their students during these challenging times.

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    The role of principal supervisors in challenging times: Focus on teaching and learning

    By Andy Cole, Ellen Goldring, Rudy Jimenez and Brent Brummet | October 20, 2020

    During this discussion, panelists will unpack a Wallace Foundation-funded study on the role of the principal supervisor and explore how individuals in that role support principals to become effective instructional leaders.

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    My Plan C: Preparing for the Next Wave: Making mid-course corrections to our COVID plans

    By Douglas Fisher, Sharee Wells, Lesley Austin and Francisco Escobedo | September 10, 2020

    The focus of the discussion will be on the ways systems are shifting to implement their Plans A, B, and C around in-person, hybrid, and distance learning for students. Additionally, panelists will share how their districts are reimagining professional learning during these unprecedented times.

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    How to lead when the path isn’t clear

    By Beverly Hutton, Katherine Eska and Mary Elizabeth A. Davis | April 16, 2020

    During the last few weeks, teaching and learning have dramatically changed in schools and districts across the country. Superintendents, principals, and other leaders on the front lines are making decisions that impact teachers, support staff, parents, and students. Although the path isn’t always clear, choices have to be made quickly.

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    Building a Continuum of Leadership Learning and Support: Principals and Central Office

    By Kassandra Lassiter, Douglas Anthony, Melissa Ellis, Margaret Ackerman, Glenn Pethel, Dale Pugh and Frederick Brown | May 16, 2018

    Frederick Brown of Learning Forward, Kassandra Lassiter, Douglas Anthony, and Melissa Ellis of Prince George’s County Public Schools, and Margaret Ackerman, Glenn Pethel, and Dale Pugh of Gwinnett County Public […]

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    Courageous Leadership: Excellence Through Equity

    By Alan Blankstein and Pedro Noguera | May 14, 2015

    In this webinar, learn principles and practices that promote achievement for all students and the five essential ingredients for school improvement. (more…)

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