Francisco Escobedo
Francisco Escobedo has been an educator for almost 30 years. Since 2010, he has been the superintendent of the Chula Vista Elementary School District. Located in southern San Diego County, the District’s 46 schools serve over 29,400 students. In 2019, the Learning Policy Institute identified Chula Vista Elementary School District as one of seven “California Positive Outlier” districts for its superior academic scores. Escobedo is past president of the Chula Vista Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, a member of the Board of Directors for the local YMCA and for Classroom of the Future Foundation, and a Rotarian. He was selected as 2019 Superintendent of the Year for ACSA Region 18. His experience includes working as assistant superintendent for Educational Leadership in the South Bay Union School District and Principal Research Analyst for American Institutes for Research. Since 2001, Escobedo has served as adjunct professor of Educational Leadership at San Diego State University and is currently a member of the doctoral faculty. He earned his undergraduate degree from Yale University; M.A. degree from San Diego State University; and Ed.D. from the University of California, San Diego, and San Diego State University.
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My Plan C: Preparing for the Next Wave: Making mid-course corrections to our COVID plans
In an everchanging landscape, districts and charter management organizations have had to make and adjust plans for the beginning of the school year. The focus of the discussion will be on the ways systems are shifting to implement their Plans A, B, and C around in-person, hybrid, and distance learning […]