

February 2012
Vol. 33 No. 1

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The Learning Professional

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In This Issue


From The Director 

At least once a month, I get a call from an educator asking what percentage of the budget should the school system allocate to professional learning. In the most distressing […]

Help Us Improve Our Website 

For almost two years, Learning Forward’s website has offered a database that highlights research demonstrating the links between professional learning, changes in educator practice, and student achievement. The Evidence Database […]

Put Your Team In The Spotlight 

Created to honor excellence in professional learning, the Shirley Hord Learning Team Award recognizes a school team that successfully implements the cycle of continuous learning for professional learning that results […]

New Membership Options 

We’re listening! Based on member input, Learning Forward has simplified its membership structure in a way that allows members — new and renewing — to make the choices that best […]

Bring A Visionary And A Realist Means Planning For The Long-term And Preparing For Tomorro 

I started to wear glasses at a very young age and was always fascinated by whether my fellow bespectacled friends and family were nearsighted or farsighted. My investigation as a […]

Book Club 

Putting Faces on the Data: What Great Leaders Do! By Lyn Sharratt and Michael Fullan  Foreword by Sir Michael Barber Students are people, not data. Putting Faces on the Data […]

Gates Foundation Grant Supports Common Core State Standards Initiative 

Learning Forward has received a grant of almost $1 million from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to support states adopting and implementing Common Core State Standards. The grant will […]


The bottom line on excellence: A guide to investing in professional learning that increases educator performance and student results. By Joellen Killion and Stephanie Hirsh With the current challenges to school […] 

Expand You Network Want to expand your leadership skills, advocate for professional learning, or influence policy? Learning Forward affiliates provide members the opportunity to expand their professional development networks by […]

Cultural Proficiency 

Face-to-face interaction is best for developing cultural literacy. (Available to the public.)

The Effective Principal

After reviewing its body of research and field experiences, The Wallace Foundation pinpoints five practices central to effective school leadership. This article is sponsored by The Wallace Foundation. (Available to the public.)

Does Your School Have A Doug Franklin? 

Teachers' knowledge, skills, and attitudes are the real treasures that can enrich a professional learning community.

The 3 R's Of Learning Time 

Schools that are part of the Learning School Alliance have found creative ways to embed time for collaborative learning into their school days. (Available to the public.)

Eyes On The Prize 

A once-failing school makes creative use of resources to promote student achievement and meet its goal of reaching Adequate Yearly Progress.

Never Underestimate The Value of Connections 

According to social capital theory, teacher conversations must be characterized by expertise, reciprocity, and relevance in order to best support teacher learning. By Wes Johnson

Tight Budget Loosens Creativity 

Through videoconferencing, an elementary school in Texas finds a creative way to sustain its professional learning initiatives on a shrinking budget.

The Power of 2 

Auburn School District in Washington state gets maximum impact from its resources by focusing on teachers' instructional leadership skills with help from an external partner.

841 Square Miles of Commitment 

Duval County (Fla.) Public Schools' professional learning budget has almost doubled since 2003 -- with measurable results in student achievement. (Available to the public.)


The questions and guidelines below will help educators structure discussions and reflections about resource use. Purposes: Determine what current investments are made in professional learning. Determine adequacy (as measured by […]

The Bottom Line   on Excellence 

With the current challenges to school funding, it is crucial that education agencies carefully examine their investments in professional learning.

Connecting the Standards for Professional Learning 

Read the remaining content with membership access. Join or log in below to continue. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, […]


New vision for teaching, Hear from the experts, Technology in the classroom, Results-oriented teaching, Evaluation reform, Distance education, Framework for development, Tackling turnover

From The Editor

“I wish I could (exercise more / read more / devote more time to learning), but I just don’t have time for that.” How many times do we say something […]

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