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    Open the door to diversity

    By Imelda Nava-Landeros, Jo Ann Isken and Annamarie Francois
    Categories: Career pathways, Collaboration, Learning systems/planning, Mentoring & induction
    December 2020
    Vol. 41, No. 6
    The progression of teacher learning from aspiring educator to accomplished practitioner is multifaceted and complex. Selecting a teacher preparation program is a critical point in this journey, but it is by no means the end. Strengthening teacher pipelines requires aligned systems that not only open diverse entry points and provide initial preparation but also create opportunities for ongoing growth and development. Teacher residencies are a model for coherent teacher development from preservice to teacher induction and beyond, through structured collaboration between universities and districts. Effective residencies are learning spaces that connect theory and practice in ways that center student and teacher learning. Residencies initiate and nurture professional learning communities that center shared values, critical reflection, powerful pedagogies, and networks of sustained, ongoing development and support.

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    California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. (2018, August 10). California budget provides $75 million for teacher residency programs.

    Carver-Thomas, D. (2018). Diversifying the teaching profession: How to recruit and retain teachers of color. Learning Policy Institute.

    Carver-Thomas, D. & Darling-Hammond, L. (2017). Teacher turnover: Why it matters and what we can do about it. Learning Policy Institute.

    Guha, R., Hyler, M.E., & Darling-Hammond, L. (2016). The teacher residency: An innovative model for preparing teachers. Learning Policy Institute.

    Ingersoll, R. (2003). Is there really a teacher shortage? (Document R-03-04). Center for the Study of Teaching and Policy at the University of Washington.

    Papay, J.P., West, M.R., Fullerton, J.B., & Kane, T.J. (2012). Does an urban teacher residency increase student achievement? Early evidence from Boston. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 34(4), 413-434.

    Partelow, L., Spong, A., Brown, C., & Johnson, S. (2017). America needs more teachers of color and a more selective teaching profession. Center for American Progress.

    Sloan, K. & Blazevski, J. (2015). New Visions Hunter College Urban Teacher Residency: Measures of success. Rockman et al.

    Tennessee Higher Education Commission. (2014). Tennessee teacher preparation report card, 2014 state profile.Author.

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    Imelda Nava-Landeros ( is a director of UCLA STEM+C3 and new residency program and lecturer.

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    Jo Ann Isken (, UCLA Principal Leadership Institute Faculty

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    Annamarie Francois (, UCLA Center X Executive Director, are faculty members at UCLA’s Center X in the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies.

    Categories: Career pathways, Collaboration, Learning systems/planning, Mentoring & induction

    The Learning Professional

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