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Coach as classroom supporter

By Learning Forward / December 1, 2019

Protocol guides coaches conducting demonstration lessons.

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Through the lens

By Learning Forward / December 1, 2019

Examine coaching through the lens of the Standards for Professional Learning.

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Instructional Practice Guide

By Learning Forward / October 1, 2019

A guide for content-focused planning and reflection to help educators ensure rigorous, grade-level instruction for all students. (more…)

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Through the lens

By Learning Forward / October 1, 2019

Build resilient leadership through the lens of the Standards for Professional Learning.

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Speak up for professional learning policy

By Melinda George / August 1, 2019

Tell your story to advocate for professional learning.

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Through the Lens

By Learning Forward / August 1, 2019

Many of the articles in this issue of The Learning Professional demonstrate Learning Forward’s Standards for Professional Learning in action. (more…)

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