An effective teacher is the No. 1 factor determining a student’s achievement and growth (Marzano, 2003), and in the Keller (Texas) Independent School District, we wanted to help grow the capacity of our teachers to maximize the growth of our students. Over the past year, we’ve had success in using video to provide personalized professional learning to teachers across the career continuum, from new teachers to veteran teachers looking to improve their practice. Our decision to use video-based professional learning and coaching has transformed how teachers in our district view professional learning. It is allowing our teachers to set goals, reflect, and improve on exactly what they need at that moment. It is also allowing coaches to “see” inside classrooms more often and with less

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Baecher, L. (2019). Video in teacher learning. Corwin.

Marzano, R. (2003). What works in schools. ASCD.

Image for aesthetic effect only - Minor Valerie-scaled-e1616518273924
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Valerie Minor ( is coordinator of professional development and mentoring services.

Image for aesthetic effect only - Suzanne Mcgahey-headshot-2-e1616517755185
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Suzanne McGahey ( is social studies coordinator, K-12 in Keller ISD in Texas.

Categories: Coaching, Facilitation, Mentoring & induction, Online learning, Resources, Teacher leadership, Technology

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