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    Webinar // Archives for Early education

    Early education

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    Early learning and beyond: Connecting early childhood with K-12 so every student succeeds

    By Iheoma Iruka, Josephine Appleby and Larrisa Wilkinson | May 12, 2021

    Join us to explore articles from the April issue of The Learning Professional on early learning. We will discuss systems and strategies that set students up for long-term success. We’ll […]

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    Engaging young children and their families: Best practices for remote and hybrid learning

    By Dominique McCain, Kristin Valdes and Cecelia Doyle | November 12, 2020

    In this webinar, panelists will share strategies for engaging young children (Pre-K to grade 3) and their families during these challenging times to lay the foundation for long-term success.

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    Meeting the needs of our youngest learners

    By Abby Morales, Alycia Rhinehart, Tabatha Rosproy and Michelle Elia | August 13, 2020

    Socially distanced classrooms present their own challenges for children who are still developing self-regulation and social skills. This webinar will share strategies for teaching young learners (preschool to grade 2) in ways that address their academic, social, and emotional development during the pandemic.

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