Tabatha Rosproy
2020 Council of Chief State School Officers Teacher of the Year & Preschool Teacher
Tabatha Rosproy is the first early childhood educator to be named National Teacher of the Year. She teaches preschool for Winfield Early Learning Center in Winfield, Kansas. Housed in a local retirement community and nursing home, her classroom is an inclusive and inter-generational program. As the COVID-19 pandemic forced the closure of school buildings across the country, Rosproy served as a co-chair of the educator task force that helped compile Kansas’s continuous learning guidance. She has also served in several leadership positions including co-president of Winfield National Education Association and member of the Cowley County Special Services Cooperative Early Childhood Academy Team, which provides training and support in positive behavior interventions for early childhood teachers in her county.
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Meeting the needs of our youngest learners
When educators and students return to school - in whatever form that takes - early childhood classrooms will face particular challenges. Remote instruction is difficult to implement in developmentally appropriate and engaging ways for preschoolers, kindergarteners, and young elementary school students. Socially distanced classrooms present their own challenges for children […]