Search Result (2487)
Through the lens
Through the lens of Learning Forward's Standards for Professional Learning ..
Study shows the impact of project-based learning
The high school study Saavedra, A.R., Liu Y., Haderlein, S.K., Rapaport, A., Garland, M., Hoepfner, D., Morgan, K.L., & Hu, A. (2021, February 22). Knowledge in Action effica..
Data points
“Highlights from recent research.” 81% of districts use Title IIA funds for professional learning Title IIA of the Elementary and Secondary Educat..
Learning Forward affirms the importance of educators learning about race
Each student has the right to experience rigorous and relevant teaching and learning in school. High-quality professional learning for educators is the pathway to create such a reality for students. L..
Show yourself that what you do makes a difference
Coaches are called upon to meet teachers’ needs, but we have some of the same needs in our own professional lives. One of those needs is validation that our efforts are making a difference. That..
‘You have to capture people’s hearts before their minds’
The Learning Professional recently spoke with journal advisor and president of Learning Forward Virginia, Barbara Patterson Oden, about navigating COVID and beyond Professional lea..
Antiracist SEL centers the comfort and needs of all students
As educators responsible for the academic development of the students in our care, we must meet the needs of every young person, whether we personally identify with them or not. The first step is to f..
Digital Professional Learning network
The first cohort of Learning Forward’s Design Professional Learning in a Virtual World (DPLV) Network completed its cycle of work in June, and a second one will conclude in November. The network ..
Redesigning PLCs
Learning Forward is launching a new network to redesign professional learning communities in a way that builds on lessons learned and opportunities found during the pandemic. The Learning & Inq..