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    Do your materials measure up?

    By Eric Hirsch and Courtney Allison
    Categories: Implementation, Instructional materials/curriculum, Online learning
    August 2020
    Vol. 41, No. 4
    Districts and states have worked around the clock for the past several months to put new structures in place for students to learn safely during an unprecedented crisis. We now know that the challenges of the pandemic are unlikely to vanish anytime soon, and schools will need to stay nimble about how and where they educate students. This moment highlights the importance of curriculum adoptions supported by strong professional learning — a long-term investment that will have an impact in the fall and for many years to come. Instructional materials matter for student success. They mattered before the COVID-19 crisis, and they will matter even more as schools transition into new teaching formats this fall. As educators prepare for an uncertain return to school, many

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    Eric Hirsch and Courtney Allison

    Eric Hirsch ( is the founding executive director and Courtney Allison ( is the chief academic officer at EdReports.


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    Kuhfeld, M. & Tarasawa, B. (2020). The COVID-19 slide: What summer learning loss can tell us about the potential impact of school closures on student academic achievement. NWEA.

    LaVenia, M. (2020). The state of the instructional materials market: 2019 report.

    Lynch, K., Hill, H.C., Gonzalez, K.E., & Pollard, C. (2019). Strengthening the research base that informs STEM instructional improvement efforts: A meta-analysis. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis.

    Opfer, V., Kaufman, J., Bongard, M., & Pane, J. (2018). Changes in what teachers know and do in the Common Core Era, American Teacher Panel Findings from 2015 to 2017. RAND Corporation.

    Steiner, D. & Weisberg, D. (2020). Steiner & Weisberg: When students go back to school, too many will start the year behind. Here’s how to catch them up — in real time. The 74.

    Wiener, R. & Pimintel, S. (2017). Practice what you teach: Connecting curriculum and professional learning in schools. Aspen Institute.

    Image for aesthetic effect only - Eric Hirsch
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    Eric Hirsch ( is the founding executive director of EdReports.

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    Categories: Implementation, Instructional materials/curriculum, Online learning

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