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    Research Review

    Study offers keen insights into professional development research

    By Joellen Killion
    Categories: Outcomes, Research
    October 2017
    Vol. 38 No 5
    At a glance Rethinking how to analyze and conduct research on professional development yields new insights to inform practice. The study Kennedy, M. (2016). How does professional development improve teaching? Review of Educational Research, 86(4), 945-980. WHAT THE STUDY SAYS A new approach to analyzing professional development research provides both researchers and education practitioners useful information to guide their practice. Study description Mary Kennedy conducts a review and analysis of the research on professional development in K-12 U.S. schools in the core content areas published since 1975. Acknowledging that past reviews of professional development research based on its core features have insufficiently considered the variance in research designs and professional development content and design, Kennedy approaches the review with different theories of action about how professional

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    Joellen Killion ( is senior advisor to Learning Forward. In each issue of The Learning Professional, Killion explores a recent research study to help practitioners understand the impact of particular professional learning practices on student outcomes.


    Learning Forward. (2011). Standards for Professional Learning. Oxford, OH: Author.

    Joellen killion
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    Joellen Killion is a senior advisor to Learning Forward and a sought-after speaker and facilitator who is an expert in linking professional learning and student learning. She has extensive experience in planning, design, implementation, and evaluation of high-quality, standards-based professional learning at the school, system, and state/provincial levels. She is the author of many books including Assessing Impact, Coaching Matters, Taking the Lead, and The Feedback Process. Her latest evaluation articles for The Learning Professional are “7 reasons to evaluate professional learning” and “Is your professional learning working? 8 steps to find out.”


    Categories: Outcomes, Research

    The Learning Professional

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