How do you know your professional learning is working? This issue digs into evaluation purposes, methods, tools, and results.
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This issue updates classic resources and highlights new voices on evaluating professional learning.
Assessing the quality, effectiveness, and impact of professional learning is fundamental.
Go beyond participants’ reactions with an evaluation model that measures changes in teacher practices and student learning.
Answers to frequently asked questions, like “How is evaluation different from research?”
The Research Partnership for Professional Learning has an ambitious agenda to support more rigorous research, says executive director Stacey Alicea.
A Georgia district examines and improves its professional learning using the Standards Assessment Inventory.
A refreshed take on a scientific, systematic process to evaluation that ensures reliable, valid results, including four powerful tools.
How the evidence standard can improve professional learning.
A compendium of resources from Learning Forward makes evaluating professional learning accessible.
Accessible data collection methods provide timely information that yields meaningful insights.
Educators and evaluators partner to strengthen a statewide professional learning initiative using best practices for collaborative design.
Identify and navigate equity traps that can derail evaluation efforts.
A research synthesis finds high-quality professional learning elements link to improvements in literacy instruction and student outcomes.
New research on teachers’ perception of curriculum, retention, resilience, and supporting substitutes.
Leadership teams
Students benefit when educators bridge the continuum of professional learning between K-12 schools and other institutions. Read the remaining content with membership access. Join or log in below to continue. […]
High-quality curriculum requires skilled educators to put it into practice. Professional learning can ensure instructional materials lead to excellent teaching and learning.Read the remaining content with membership access. Join or […]
Sometimes new information and situations call for major change. This issue shows how professional learning helps educators pivot, by bridging the gap between knowing better and doing better.Read the remaining […]
What does professional learning look like around the world? This issue explores what educators can learn from each other across geographic borders.Read the remaining content with membership access. Join or […]