Keisha, an urban principal from California, and Jason, a principal from rural North Carolina, serve different communities, but they both realize that systemic inequities prevent students from fully realizing their potential. Over the course of a year, Keisha and Jason met regularly as part of a group and in one-to-one sessions with a leadership coach. Together, they engaged in a set of collaborative processes that cultivate instructional leadership that leads to more equitable teaching. Keisha and Jason are part of Project I4, a federally funded SEED (Supporting Effective Educator Development) grant, a partnership between East Carolina University and the Institute for Educational Leadership. Project I4 is a cohort-based, yearlong professional learning experience aimed at reimagining instructional leadership through an equity lens. Specifically, school leader participants build capacity to document

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Project I4 resources

PI4 website:

Guide for effective conversations:

Project I4 tools:

Learning exchange protocols:


Aguilar, E. (2020). Coaching for equity: Conversations that change practice. Jossey-Bass.

Blitz, M., Salisbury, J., & Kelley, C. (2014). The role of cognitive validity testing in the development of CALL, the comprehensive assessment of leadership for learning. Journal of Educational Administration, 52(3), 358-378.

Bose, B.K., Ancin, D., Frank, J., & Malik, A. (2016). Teaching transformative life skills to students: A comprehensive dynamic mindfulness curriculum. W.W. Norton & Company.

Bryk, A., Sebring, P., Allensworth, E., Luppescu, S., & Easton, J. (2010). Organizing schools for improvement: Lessons from Chicago. University of Chicago Press.

Bryk, A., Gomez, L., Grunow, A., & LeMahieu, P. (2015). Learning to improve: How America’s schools can get better at getting better. Harvard Education Press.

Freire, P. (1970). Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Bloomsbury Academic.

Gawande, A. (2011). Personal best: Top athletes and singers have coaches. Should you? The New Yorker, 44-53.

Grubb, W.N. & Tredway, L. (2010). Leading from the inside out: Expanded roles of teachers in equitable schools.Paradigm Press.

Guajardo, M., Guajardo, F., Janson, C., & Militello, M. (2016).
Reframing community partnerships in education: Uniting the power of place and wisdom of people. Routledge.

Hamilton, C. (2019). Hacking questions: 11 answers that create a culture of inquiry in your classroom. Times 10 Publications.

Hawley, W. & Valli, L. (1999). The essentials of effective professional development: A new consensus. In L. Darling-Hammond & G. Sykes (Eds.), Teaching as the learning profession: Handbook of policy and practice (pp. 151-180). Jossey-Bass.

Militello, M., Tredway, L., & Argent, J. (2020). Self-care for school leaders starts now. ASCD Express: Ready for Restart: Teaching Smarter, 15(23).

Tschannen-Moran, M. (2004). Trust matters: Leadership for successful schools. Jossey-Bass.

Image for aesthetic effect only - Lynda-tredway-e1615906050262
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Lynda Tredway ( is a senior associate at the Institute for Educational Leadership and program coordinator for the International EdD at East Carolina University.

Image for aesthetic effect only - Ken-simon-e1615906155367
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Ken Simon ( is the Project I4 lead coach and a senior associate at the Institute for Educational Leadership.

Image for aesthetic effect only - Matthew-militello-e1615905910446
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Matthew Militello ( is the Wells Fargo Distinguished Professor in Educational Leadership, founding director of the International EdD, and principal investigator on Project I4 at East Carolina University.

Categories: Coaching, Collaboration, Continuous improvement, Equity, Implementation, Leadership, Learning communities, Learning designs, Learning systems/planning, Research, School leadership, System leadership, Teacher leadership

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