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NSDC tool: Guided reflection

By Learning Forward / October 31, 2005

Guided reflection Empathic writing and active listening can turn reflection from a solitary practice to a collaboration that benefits both mentor and novice teacher. The two-page tool included in this issue offers guidance and examples for effective reflective exchanges.

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Image for aesthetic effect only - Oct05-issue

NSDC tool: Expanding your vision of professional development

By Joan Richardson / October 1, 2005

Springfield program nurtures leadership growth: Multifaceted approach focuses on principals

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NSDC tool: Six hats

By Joan Richardson / October 1, 2005

8 steps to improvement: Indiana district examines student data and adjusts instruction

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NSDC tool: The tuning protocol

By Learning Forward / October 1, 2005

Take one hour, a teacher group, and a teacher with focused questions about a piece of student work. The result: a reflective discussion to help teachers sharpen daily practice. This tuning protocol will help guide productive discussions.

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Image for aesthetic effect only - Sep05-issue

NSDC tool: Expanding your vision of professional development

By Joan Richardson / September 1, 2005

Profile in leadership: Invest in relationships and students will prosper

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Image for aesthetic effect only - September-2005-system

NSDC tool: Expanding your vision of professional development

By Joan Richardson / September 1, 2005
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