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What does SEL look like in the classroom?

By Nick Yoder and Liz Nolan / August 1, 2018

The American Institutes for Research’s tools guide coaches and leaders to help teachers integrate SEL.

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Design a learning agenda

By Tracy Crow and Stephanie Hirsh / June 1, 2018

A process for detailing a learning plan from our book Becoming a Learning Team.

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Launch An Analysis of Professional Learning

By Learning Forward / April 1, 2018

Three tools to help you analyze and improve your initiatives.

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Chapter 6: The emperor has no clothes

By Learning Forward / April 1, 2018

Explore a full chapter from A Playbook for Professional Learning: Putting the Standards into Action by Stephanie Hirsh and Shirley Hord. Available for purchase in the Learning Forward bookstore.

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Tool: Identifying Next Actions

By Learning Forward / April 1, 2018

Our professional development initiative.

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Tool: Unpacking The Implementation Standard

By Learning Forward / April 1, 2018

Professional learning that increases educator effectiveness and results for all students applies research on change and sustains support for implementation of professional learning for long-term change.

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