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Advancing equity

By Jill Harrison Berg and Sonia Caus Gleason / October 1, 2018

A planning tool for individual, team, and whole-school professional learning.

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Debrief And Provide Feedback

By Learning Forward / October 1, 2018

Tailor appropriate questions and record discusion notes.

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Tool: Analyze Observation Data

By Learning Forward / October 1, 2018

Prepare for the debrief conversation, leveraging expertise and experience to reflect on observations

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Tool: Observation Notes

By Learning Forward / October 1, 2018

Record what happens during the lesson without judgment.

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Tool: Plan The Observation

By Learning Forward / October 1, 2018

Establish shared expectations well before the observation.

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Through The Lens

By Learning Forward / October 1, 2018

Deepen your understanding of the Standards for Professional Learning through this issue’s articles.

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