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    Renae Skarin

    Director of Curriculum Review Process

    Renae Skarin works with leading educational experts to design and implement a process for reviewing and providing feedback to curriculum developers on the strength of supports for ELs. Prior to joining the ELSF, she worked at Understanding Language, Stanford University, where she was a researcher, professional developer, curriculum developer, and project manager for projects specializing in issues of equity and accessibility for diverse learners and has a strong background in second language teaching and teacher education both in the U.S. and abroad. Skarin received a B.A. in English, Literacy Studies from California State University, Long Beach, and an M.A. in Second Language Studies at the University of Hawaii, Manoa. She is currently completing her doctoral dissertation in Educational Linguistics at Stanford University. Skarin lives at home with her 15-year-old activist daughter, Kailani, and her sweet dog Stella.