Paul Katnik
Assistant Commissioner
Paul Katnik is the assistant commissioner of the Office of Educator Quality. Katnik has been in education for over three decades working with children of all ages, K-12, as both a teacher and a building principal. He has served at the Missouri Department of Education for over nearly 20 years, and has been instrumental in coordinating the state model Educator Evaluation System, revising teacher and leader preparation programs, developing the state’s Educator Equity Plan, and creating the Missouri Leadership Development System.
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Missouri students benefit from principals’ leadership development
With targeted leadership support, Missouri principals are staying in their jobs longer and having a positive impact on student achievement. That’s according to annual evaluations over the past five years of the Missouri Leadership Development System (MLDS), a multiyear, multistakeholder effort to grow the state’s school leaders. As opposed to […] -
Title II: Opportunities and impact
This webinar highlights state and district successes and challenges in implementing Title II-A programs and collecting impact data. As a community, we seek ways to seamlessly support and integrate high-quality professional learning and to share those efforts with Congress and the Administration as they debate the future funding levels for […] -
Teacher retention: The role of professional learning
As schools grapple with teacher shortages and turnover, professional learning is a vital but underutilized investment in the workforce. This webinar will explore how professional learning can improve retention and long-term career success. Presenters will share retention strategies that are grounded in commitment to educators’ development and to building their […] -
A supported workforce is a strong workforce
Like most U.S. states, Missouri is struggling with teacher shortages. In our public schools, which serve nearly 900,000 students, shortages have typically been concentrated in urban and rural areas, and in content areas of special education, math, and science. Recently, however, shortages have begun broadly impacting more schools in more […] -
Virtual Advocacy Day: Skills, strategies, and motivation for making the case for professional learning
Every educator can, and should be, an advocate. Making your case, telling your story, and winning support has never been more critical. This important session includes advocacy strategies and tips that are applicable to any advocacy effort. Watch to hone your skills, build confidence, and get excited about being an […] -
How Learning Forward’s new Standards for Professional Learning intersect with Federal education policy
In celebration of Learning Forward’s April 25th release of its revised Standards for Professional Learning, we are pleased to provide you with this special briefing that will focus on how these standards can and should strengthen federal education policy and investment around professional learning. You will hear from policymakers, researchers, […]