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Learning Forward

Learning Forward is the only professional association devoted exclusively to those who work in educator professional development. We help our members plan, implement, and measure high-quality professional learning so they can achieve success with their systems, schools, and students.

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    Many of the articles in this issue of The Learning Professional demonstrate Learning Forward’s Standards for Professional Learning in action. Use this tool to deepen your understanding of the standards and strategies for implementing them.  Ways you might use this tool include:  Discuss the questions in a professional learning community;  […]
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    The Standards for Professional Learning are the foundation of our work at Learning Forward. In 2020, we are embarking on the third revision of the standards as part of our ongoing eff orts to be responsive to changes in education. (See the Updates section of this issue for more information […]
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    In last year’s survey of Learning Forward members, 94% of respondents indicated that the Standards for Professional Learning are “very important” or “important” to their work. The standards outline the conditions for and characteristics of professional learning that change educator knowledge, skills, and practices, leading to improved teaching and learning […]
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    As part of our commitment to supporting educators during this uncertain time of school closures, Learning Forward beganhosting a series of webinars with advice and resources. If you weren’t able to join us in real time, you can watch our archived webinars, listen to audio recordings, and find supplemental resources at […]
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    We have added two new themes for upcoming issues of The Learning Professional. Here are the themes open for submissions: October 2020: Inclusive schools How do we create schools that are welcoming and productive learning environments for all? This issue will explore the role of professional learning in ensuring that […]
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    The Learning Forward Foundation is looking for new members with diverse backgrounds in fundraising or supporting effective professional learning to expand our team. The foundation is a group of Learning Forward volunteers who raise funds for grants and scholarships and award them to other Learning Forward members to advance meaningful […]
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    Dear Learning Forward members and friends, Our world is in uncertain times with the COVID-19 pandemic. We know you are navigating a new reality, with school systems closed and many questions about what lies ahead. We don’t know the timeframe or what lies ahead, and that is unsettling. The entire […]
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    Updated on 03/13/20 Dear Learning Forward members and friends, We know that many of you are assessing appropriate preparations for and responses to COVID-19 in your local contexts. Like you, Learning Forward is concerned first and foremost about the safety and health of our colleagues, educators, students, and communities. We […]
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    Over the last two weeks, Secretary Betsy DeVos has appeared before both the House and Senate Appropriations committees to provide a rationale for the President’s proposed FY21 budget. As you will remember, the President released his budget on February 10 and the proposal calls for block granting 29 programs – […]

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