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    Webinar // Archives for Coaching


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    Coaching experienced educators: Critical support in changing contexts

    By Chris Bryan, Misty Miller, Violet Christensen and Julie Donohue-Kpolugbo | April 22, 2021

    The webinar is intended to highlight instructional coaches working with experienced educators. Panelists will share strategies, tools, and resources to support experienced teachers to strengthen their practice and discuss the value of self-examination and a commitment to collective responsibility.

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    Coaching and mentoring in a virtual world: What to keep and what to change

    By Elvira Pichardo-Delacour, Leighann Fields, Sharron Helmke and Stacey Jones | January 28, 2021

    Join us for this important webinar as instructional coaches and mentors share how their practice has amplified and changed and what they are looking forward to keeping and changing going forward.

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    My Teaching Partner: Proven strengths-based coaching model that raises student achievement and engagement

    By Andrew Wayne, Meg Ryan, Betty Underwood and Destiny Shantell Woodbury | October 28, 2020

    Learn about the elements that make MTP coaching unique: a focus on classroom interactions, a strengths-based approach to engaging teachers, and use of video clips as a focus for reflection. This webinar will feature an expert panel followed by an extended Q&A period to encourage robust discussion. The 90-minute format will ensure all your questions are answered.

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    Learning from coaches: Supporting teams and individuals

    By Heather Clifton, Angela Batson, Jackie Zimmerman and Malikah Gregory | September 17, 2020

    What does professional learning look like in a distance environment and how do you ensure it is impactful? How do you stay connected to your colleagues? Join us for this webinar as coaches share the strategies, resources, and tips that they are using to make this school year successful.

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    Learning from coaches: End strong, begin stronger!

    By Joellen Killion, Kenya Pitts Elder, Andrea Gautney and Paige Treshansky | June 4, 2020

    As the school year closes, instructional coaches are still hard at work. They are taking the many lessons learned in the last quarter of this school year and using those lessons to plan for a strong, if uncertain, year ahead. Join us for an exploration of how coaches are traversing the challenges of distance professional learning, remaining connected to the teachers they support, and applying their expertise in accelerating teacher learning.

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    Learning from coaches: Supporting educators in a virtual world

    By Joellen Killion, Courtney Simpson, Ebony Flott, Melissa Cournia and Michelle Torres | April 23, 2020

    Now that we are working and leading in a virtual environment, join us for an exploration of how coaches are traversing the challenges of distance professional learning, and remaining connected to the teachers they support.

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