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    Webinar // Archives for Change management

    Change management

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    My Plan C: Preparing for the Next Wave: Making mid-course corrections to our COVID plans

    By Douglas Fisher, Sharee Wells, Lesley Austin and Francisco Escobedo | September 10, 2020

    The focus of the discussion will be on the ways systems are shifting to implement their Plans A, B, and C around in-person, hybrid, and distance learning for students. Additionally, panelists will share how their districts are reimagining professional learning during these unprecedented times.

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    Preparing for re-opening: Building resilience and flexibility

    By Allyson Apsey, Gaya Jefferson, Jeannie Stone and Virgel Hammonds | June 18, 2020

    In this webinar, you’ll hear from district and school leaders, as well as experts on school redesign, about planning for next steps. They will share their advice and strategies for maximizing teachers’ and students’ learning in the fall and beyond.

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