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    Using the SAI to Measure the Impact of Professional Learning

    Presenters: Steve Preston and Tom Manning
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    Learning Forward’s Standards Assessment Inventory (SAI) is a valid and reliable 50-item survey that measures alignment of a school’s professional learning practices to the Standards for Professional Learning. This webinar will show you how schools, districts, and states use the SAI to measure the impact of their professional learning, identify strengths and areas of priority, and drive their professional learning planning. Participants will view and analyze sample SAI data to see how the SAI can be a valuable first step in measuring and increasing the impact of professional learning. This webinar will include: An overview of the SAI and how it measures the impact of professional learning. How the SAI aligns with the Standards for Professional Learning. A look at SAI data and reports. Examples

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    Tom Manning
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    Tom Manning is the senior vice president of virtual learning and leadership events for Learning Forward. He leads the strategy, management, and business development for the association’s consulting and technical assistance services. He advances Learning Forward’s vision by establishing and maintaining professional service partnerships with states, districts, and schools, and manages a cadre of more than 40 education consultants working across North America. He previously served as Learning Forward’s Associate Director of E-Learning, leading the design and implementation of the association’s online courses, webinars, and virtual learning communities. Prior to joining Learning Forward in 2009, he covered education as a reporter for the Houston Chronicle and Austin American-Statesman. He authored a chapter in the book Powerful Designs for Professional Learning (3rd ed.), and has been published in the Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership. Originally from Boston, Tom received a Bachelor of Arts in English and journalism from Texas Christian University.

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