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Educators across the world are being asked to implement online learning for their students as school systems close in response to COVID-19. Join this webinar to learn about strategies and to link to resources that will make online learning manageable and productive.

In this webinar, we will hear from DeNelle West, the Chief Learning Officer and Teshon Christie, the Executive Director of Organizational Effectiveness of Kent School District in Washington State. They will share their strategies for supporting instruction by leveraging technology tools and partnerships.

We will also hear from Tricia Kennedy, the Executive Director of Instructional Development and Support for Gwinnett County Public Schools, in Georgia. Tricia and her team are supporting 180,000 students who are now fully online but they have been supporting digital learning throughout the district at an accelerated rate for the past two years so she has many learnings to share.

Finally, we will gather insights on state perspectives on digital learning from Christine Fox, the Deputy Executive Director of the State Education Technology Directors Association (SETDA). SETDA has been a leader in helping states to craft policies that help to set enabling conditions for online learning as well as providing a community of support for state leaders in charge of these efforts.

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Deputy Executive Director at State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA) | + posts
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Chief Learning Officer at Kent School District | + posts
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Executive Director of Organizational Effectiveness at Kent School District | + posts
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Executive Director of Instructional Development and Support at Gwinnett County Public Schools | + posts

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