Search Result (2487)
Evaluating Professional Learning
How do you know your professional learning is working? This issue digs into evaluation purposes, methods, tools, and results...
7 reasons to evaluate professional learning
Each year, educators engage in hours of professional learning to enhance their practice. Those hours are limited, both by contract and the imperative of keep..
Look beyond the satisfaction survey
Professional learning is vital to address the multiple issues facing educators today. Recovering from declines in student achievement brought about by the CO..
Data collection tool drives professional learning improvements
Collecting evidence of professional learning’s impact starts with assessing the current state of professional learning in any school or system. Measuring w..
Practical evaluation points the way toward impact
As U.S. school leaders anticipate the end of Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief funds and contemplate possible budget shortfalls, they will hav..
Program evaluation and design go hand-in-hand in Tennessee
Educators and researchers often think of program design and program evaluation as separate endeavors, even intentionally creating a firewall between them. Bu..
Equity-centered evaluation brings up emotions. That’s OK.
Strong emotions can surface when we evaluate our work, especially when we are deeply invested in it. Since professional learning is about shifting adult mind..
Is your professional learning working? 8 steps to find out.
Evaluating professional learning to measure its effectiveness and impact on student learning is an important process for those who design, lead, and facilita..