Search Result (2487)
What does ‘evidence-based’ mean, according to ESSA?
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) calls for interventions funded with federal dollars to be evidence-based. What does this mean for professional learning initiatives that use ESSA fund..
Educators sign proclamation for professional learning
More than 500 educators joined Learning Forward in standing up for professional learning by signing a Proclamation for Professional Learning at the Annual Conference in December. The proclamation, ..
Apply for Learning Forward Academy
Applications for the Learning Forward Academy, Learning Forward’s flagship deep learning experience, are due March 15. The Academy supports the problem-based learning of teachers, teacher leaders..
Board of trustees transitions
Leigh Wall, superintendent of Santa Fe Independent School District in Santa Fe, Texas, is the new president of Learning Forward’s board of trustees, succeeding past president Alan Ingram. Steve Card..
Fundraiser supports Texas school damaged by hurricane
The 2018 Learning Forward Annual Conference Host Committee raised funds to replenish the library at Brundrett Middle School in Port Aransas, Texas. The school’s campus was devastated by Hurricane..
There are many ways to build a career path
Remember the importance of maintaining a network of colleagues with connections. Ask five people how they got their current job, and I suspect networking played a key role in a majority of..
Life is full of transitions, and so are schools
Many years ago, when I relocated to begin graduate school, I wondered aloud to my family, “When do I get to stop starting over?” My mother was compassionate but bl..