

How to translate professional learning to virtual settings

By Jill DePiper, Angela Knotts and Nanette Seago
Categories: Instructional materials/curriculum, Technology
February 2023
When the COVID-19 pandemic moved teaching and learning to remote and virtual spaces, teacher professional learning moved online as well. Educators discovered that online asynchronous professional learning offers some benefits that may be worth keeping for the long-term: Teachers and leaders have more control of their professional learning schedules, flexibility to balance competing priorities, and fewer logistical constraints. And research studies comparing online and traditional face-to-face offerings are encouraging: In some settings, online professional learning has been found to improve teachers’ attitudes and self-efficacy (An, 2018) and lead to high satisfaction and relatively high levels of information sharing (Yoon et al., 2020). Online professional learning also has drawbacks, however. Participating educators sometimes feel isolated, stuck behind a computer screen without the rich social interactions of

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The Video in the Middle project is supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under Grant No. DRL 1720507. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.


An, Y. (2018). The effects of an online professional development course on teachers’ perceptions, attitudes, self-efficacy, and behavioral intentions regarding digital game-based learning. Educational Technology Research and Development, 66, 1505-1527.

Borko, H., Koellner, K., & Jacobs, J. (2011, March 4). Meeting the challenges of scale: The importance of preparing professional development leaders. Teachers College Record.

Kazemi, E. & Franke, M.L. (2004). Teacher learning in mathematics: Using student work to promote collective inquiry Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education 7, 203-235.

Seago, N., Koellner, K., & Jacobs, J. (2018). Video in the Middle: Purposeful design of video-based mathematics professional development. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 18(1).

Teräs, H. & Kartoglu, U. (2017). A grounded theory of professional learning in an authentic online professional development program. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 18(7).

van Es, E.A., Tekkumur-Kisa, M., & Seago, N. (2020). Leveraging the power of video for teacher learning. In S. Llinares & O. Chapman (Eds.), International handbook of mathematics teacher education, volume 2: Tools and processes in mathematics teacher education (pp. 23-54). Brill.

van Es, E.A., Tunney, J., Goldsmith, L.T., & Seago, N. (2014). A framework for the facilitation of teachers’ analysis of video. Journal of Teacher Education, 65(4), 340-356.

Yoon, S.A., Miller, K., Richman, T., Wendel, D., Schoenfeld, I., Anderson, E., & Shim, J. (2020). Encouraging collaboration and building community in online asynchronous professional development: Designing for social capital. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 15, 351-371.

Jill neumayer depiper
+ posts

Jill Neumayer DePiper ( is a mathematics education researcher at WestEd.

Angela knotts
+ posts

Angela Knotts ( is a mathematics education researcher at WestEd.

Nanette seago 3
+ posts

Nanette Seago ( is a mathematics education researcher at WestEd.

Categories: Instructional materials/curriculum, Technology

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