
Digging deeper

Professional learning can go beyond the basics to reach underserved students

By Sonia Caus Gleason
Categories: Learning designs, Equity, Evaluation & impact
August 2010
I’ve never heard an educator in a high poverty school or district dispute whether his or her school needs to improve. The discussion is always about how and how much. And in all sorts of communities, while some people are satisfied with incremental improvements, others will not rest until every child experiences the nurturing and challenge he or she deserves. When we set our sights high for children, we believe that education facilitates social justice. School communities that are serious about improvement address the learning needs of students and adults. When educators pursue justice, they shape professional development, starting with the needs of the underserved in mind. The basics of professional learning Consistent, excellent teaching is the single greatest factor in improving student achievement over time

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Sonia Caus Gleason

Sonia Caus Gleason ( is an educational consultant.


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Categories: Learning designs, Equity, Evaluation & impact

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