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    Addressing students’ humanity is an equity issue.

    By Angela M. Ward
    Categories: Reaching all students, Standards for Professional Learning
    December 2021
    When the U.S. shut down during spring 2020, my youngest son was in 8th grade. He had no closure to his school year or his middle school career, and then he began high school from home. This year, he started face to face coursework as a sophomore. My son and students like him lost a lot in that time between the end of 8th grade, when they were just entering their teen years, and 10th grade, when some have grown to their full height and others may be navigating adult responsibilities. As an educator who centers the comfort of students, I know that some of the most difficult losses for students were the multiple opportunities in the school day to socialize with their peers, make

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    Brown, F. & Crow, T. (2021). Equity is front and center in revised standards. The Learning Professional, 42(3), 8-9.

    Ward, A.M. (2019). Researcher as witness: Pedagogical and curricular decision making in race-centered professional learning. repositories.lib.utexas.edu/handle/2152/75801

    Image for aesthetic effect only - Angela-ward-scaled-e1611757743263
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    Angela M. Ward (angela@2wardequity.com) is founder and CEO of 2Ward Equity and a columnist for The Learning Professional.

    Categories: Reaching all students, Standards for Professional Learning

    The Learning Professional

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