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    In The Driver's Seat

    Teacher-led model moves learning in the right direction

    By Learning Forward
    Categories: Learning communities, Teacher leadership
    June 2015
    What happens when teachers are given funding and time to identify and develop targeted and innovative professional learning? This article focuses on lessons learned from grants funded through the California Department of Education that were designed to do just this. As the state and the nation consider the best approaches to professional learning for educators (Gulamhussein, 2013) it is important to understand how this model worked and how it might inform state and national policy and practice. Common Core implementation is requiring the development of new models of professional growth in order to provide teachers with the support and relevant experience necessary to build their skills and expertise. The grants were part of California’s Teacher-Based Reform (T-BAR) program. (To learn more about the T-BAR program,

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    Lisa Sullivan and Theresa Westover

    Lisa Sullivan ( is a senior analyst and Theresa Westover ( is the director of evaluation at Resourcing Excellence in Education in the School of Education at the University of California, Davis.

    About The T-BAR Program

    • The T-BAR program is funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Improving Teacher Quality State Grants Program (ITQ), which is designed to provide high-quality professional learning to K-12 educators. State departments of education administer ITQ funds in their respective states.
    • The T-BAR model was based, in part, on the evaluation findings from an earlier ITQ grant, the Teacher Achievement Award Program (TAAP), which found that “by linking professional development directly to school-based projects, TAAP was able to capitalize on each of the following principles: Teachers are more likely to learn those things that interest them; teachers are more likely to learn those things they perceive a need to know; and, learning is reinforced through use” (California Postsecondary Education Commission, n.d.).
    • The T-BAR program has provided over $9 million in funding, most of which (about 70%) provides direct support for the professional learning of participating teachers. Between 2009 and 2012, T-BAR served 749 teachers drawn from 99 districts across California, 41% of which are federally designated as high need.


    Gulamhussein, A. (2013). Teaching the teachers: Effective professional development in an era of high stakes accountability. Alexandria, VA: Center for Public Education.

    California Postsecondary Education Commission. (n.d.). Assessing TAAP: Teacher Achievement Award Program. Available at

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    Learning Forward is the only professional association devoted exclusively to those who work in educator professional development. We help our members plan, implement, and measure high-quality professional learning so they can achieve success with their systems, schools, and students.

    Categories: Learning communities, Teacher leadership

    The Learning Professional

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