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NSDC tool: Coach’s time chart

By Learning Forward / May 1, 2006

If there’s just one thing that school-based coaches have in common about how you spend your days, it’s this: You’re all over the place! With such a variety of responsibilities, it can be hard to keep track of how you spend your time.
Try using this two-page tool for a week to see where your time goes. This will help you discuss your work with a building principal or supervisor.

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NSDC tool: Professional strategies and their level of impact

By Kathy Lammi / May 1, 2006
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NSDC tool: Meeting basics

By Learning Forward / April 1, 2006
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NSDC tool: Listen fully

By Learning Forward / April 1, 2006

As many school-based leaders have learned, coaching requires listening skills. Not only do you need to be able to ask thoughtful questions, you also need to listen deeply to what teachers say.
The exercise outlined in the tool helps people slow down and really listen. Participants will also have the experience of being listened to.

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NSDC tool: Making time for reading

By Learning Forward / March 31, 2006
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NSDC tool: Differentiated classroom observation form

By Learning Forward / March 1, 2006

This observation tool is designed for coaches to help teachers understand the many different ways they can adapt instruction to meet students’ unique differences.
The tool covers items in five broad categories: physical environment, teacher behaviors, student engagement, materials and resources, and instructional strategies.

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