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Learning Forward
Equity and excellence in teaching and learning.
Learning Forward shows you how to plan, implement, and measure high-quality professional learning so you and your team can achieve success with your system, your school, and your students.
We help educators hone their advocacy skills, including the collection and compilation of data, to make the case in local education settings for effective professional learning.
Standards for Professional Learning outline the characteristics of professional learning that leads to effective teaching practices, supportive leadership, and improved student results.
Learning Forward supports leaders at all levels to transform their systems into true learning systems, where all educators engage in a measurable and scalable cycle of improvement.
Our new Standards for Professional Learning book offers educators the latest knowledge and insights to design, implement, and sustain high-quality professional learning.
The power of one: What one person can do to influence policy at all levels
This month’s tool was created to help educators critically review the research studies they read. The form also provides a place for readers to keep track of important notes and implications.
Accessibility Tools