

Image for aesthetic effect only - Nsdc-tool

NSDC tool: The professional teaching and learning cycle

By Learning Forward / April 1, 2009

Six phases help teacher teams understand what to do with their time in professional learning communities. This guide, and a graphic depiction of the cycle of learning, can help guide teamwork.

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Image for aesthetic effect only - Apr09-issue

NSDC tool: Leadership strategies

By Learning Forward / April 1, 2009
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Image for aesthetic effect only - April-2009-system

NSDC tool: Professional learning communities

By Valerie von Frank / April 1, 2009
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Tools: Identifying and clarifying beliefs about learning

By Learning Forward / March 1, 2009

Develop a set of belief statements by discussing the ideas presented in this tool with colleagues. Then work to remember why you became teachers. Use these tools together to clarify your values.

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Image for aesthetic effect only - Mar09-issue

NSDC tool: Legacy reflection

By Valerie von Frank / March 1, 2009
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Image for aesthetic effect only - March-2009-system

NSDC tool: Uncovering personal barriers to change

By Valerie von Frank / March 1, 2009
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