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Tool: A dozen reasons to celebrate

By Learning Forward / September 17, 2013

Use this tool to offer an opportunity for your educators to pause and reflect about their accomplishments in the first several months of school, or to create a new beginning for the remainder of the year.

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Tool: Creating norms

By Learning Forward / August 5, 2013

Use this tool to develop a set of operating norms, or ground rules, that encourage behaviors that will help a group do its work and discourage behaviors that interfere with a group’s effectiveness.

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Tool: The facilitator’s role

By Learning Forward / July 1, 2013

Use this tool to help you and other leaders understand the roles and typical responsibilities of facilitators. You might use these suggestions to create a job description and responsibilities, to help leaders understand needed facilitation tasks, or to provide information when requesting funding for a professional learning team facilitator.

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Tool: Organize for the journey

By Learning Forward / July 1, 2013

Good facilitation begins with good organization. Set up a method to collect and organize information before the team start-up.

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Tool: The polarity map

By Learning Forward / June 23, 2013

Facilitators guiding groups through difficult discussions need a range of protocols to support making such conversations productive. The polarity map is a tool for mapping paradoxes or dilemmas, providing structure for making invisible tensions visible, and providing a focus for the group to engage in dialogue from diverse perspectives.

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Tool: 6 lessons for integrating technology into learning

By Learning Forward / June 10, 2013
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