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Tool: Professional learning as a creative process: Framing the conversations

By Learning Forward / March 4, 2014

Use this tool to shape a variety of conversations around professional growth opportunities for individuals, teams, or academic divisions and help build appropriate professional learning.

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Tool: Quick tips for the conflict avoidant

By Learning Forward / December 19, 2013

If you shy away from open, healthy conflict, you could be just as responsible for the dysfunction on your team as your aggressive, combative colleagues. Use this tool to move forward productively when conflict arises.

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Tool: A magic trick to increase your credibility

By Learning Forward / December 19, 2013

Is there someone who doesn’t believe you have much credibility, if any, no matter how brilliantly you make your case? Use this tool to master building credibility and strengthening relationships with others.

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Tool: Measure your team’s industrial synergy

By Learning Forward / December 19, 2013

Teams combine different people, ideas, and information into products and services in much the same way that machines transform raw materials into something greater than the sum of their individual parts. Give this tool to your team members to explore how well they work together to create results greater than the sum of their parts.

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Tool: A dozen reasons to celebrate

By Learning Forward / September 17, 2013

Use this tool to offer an opportunity for your educators to pause and reflect about their accomplishments in the first several months of school, or to create a new beginning for the remainder of the year.

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Tool: Celebration brainstorming

By Learning Forward / September 17, 2013

Use this tool to bring participants together to hear and discuss rationales for celebrations and recognition.

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