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Tool: Clearly articulate a vision

By Learning Forward / September 30, 2014

Groups discuss their assumptions, ideas, needs, and images of how a successful innovation, program, intervention, or overall learning system will contribute to improved outcomes, leading to the development of a guiding vision.

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Tool: Sample theory of change

By Learning Forward / September 30, 2014

A theory of change helps educators articulate what specific actions lead to the achievement of a vision.

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Tool: Sample partnership agreement between instructional coach and teacher

By Learning Forward / May 23, 2014

Coaches can define the bounds of their professional relationships by establishing partnership agreements. Use this tool to create an agreement between a coach and a teacher that defines their working relationship and expectations for the coach’s work.

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Tool: Staff survey

By Learning Forward / May 23, 2014
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Tool: Coach corner

By Learning Forward / May 23, 2014
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Tool: Learning Forward resources for managing change

By Learning Forward / March 4, 2014

Use this tool to learn more about important resources for managing change, including data, Stages of Concern, and Innovation Configurations.

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