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Align your district's professional learning under ESSA

By Learning Forward / April 1, 2017

Tools from A New Vision for Professional Learning: A Toolkit to Help States Use ESSA to Advance Learning and Improvement Systems

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Tool 3: Selecting video club clips

By Learning Forward / March 10, 2017

Using the FIND method described herein, use four frameworks to examine the videos for potentially fruitful moments that lead to better professional learning.

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Tool 4: Sustaining productive video club discussions

By Learning Forward / March 10, 2017

Using the CHAT framework described herein, use four elements to outline a potential sequence teaches can use to productively examine problems of practice shared by colleagues.

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Tool 1 & 2: Setting up a teacher video club

By Learning Forward / March 10, 2017

Use the questions and chart to set up the purpose and structure of your video club.

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How To Cultivate Teacher Voice

By Learning Forward / February 1, 2017

Use the tools in this section to help bring teacher voice to ESSA advocacy.

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Tool: Assign responsibilities to key stakeholders

By Learning Forward / November 7, 2016

In the template below, assign a letter, from R to I, to each stakeholder for each task that is part of the project plan.

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