

Image for aesthetic effect only - Through-the-lens

Through the lens

By Learning Forward / June 1, 2019

Deepen your understanding of the Standards for Professional Learning through this issue’s articles.

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Overcome 5 PLC challenges

By Thomas H. Levine / June 1, 2019

A tool for discussion and reflection can help PLCs get unstuck.

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Do your materials meet English learners’ needs?

By Crystal Gonzales and Renae Skarin / April 1, 2019

Examine how your curriculum may not be producing results for ELs and begin to close the gap.

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Through the lens

By Learning Forward / April 1, 2019

Deepen your understanding of the Standards for Professional Learning through this issue’s articles.

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How mentors can support new teachers

By Learning Forward / February 1, 2019

Protocols for coaches to assist with communication, monitoring, and documentation.

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Implementing instructional materials

By Learning Forward / December 1, 2018

Conversation protocols for nurturing the capacity to use high quality materials.

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