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Through the lens

By Learning Forward / October 1, 2020

Reflection questions for examining the Standards for Professional Learning.

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Making mentoring work online

By Tom Manning, Kathleen Sheehy and Leslie Ceballos / August 1, 2020

Plan a virtual lesson observation and debrief.

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Assess and address gaps in student learning

By Learning Forward / August 1, 2020

Build continuity of content during the COVID era.

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Through the lens of Learning Forward’s Standards for Professional Learning

By Learning Forward / August 1, 2020

Professional learning that increases educator effectiveness and results for all students.

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Teacher as noticer

By Yvonne Godber / June 1, 2020

Understanding and responding to student cues.

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Stay connected during crisis

By Katie Brackenridge and Amy Nicholson / June 1, 2020

Organize your outreach to students and staff.

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