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    Send the message that learning is for leaders, too

    By Scott Laurence | July 20, 2017

    Good professional learning is not only important for teachers, it’s also vital for principals and assistant principals.

    Learning leadership requires a supportive culture—and a focus on students

    By Eric Celeste Celeste | July 6, 2017

    A supportive culture energizes participants in Learning Leaders for Learning Schools, an intensive professional learning cohort for a group of Phoenix-area principals and district office personnel.

    Charting a course for the change process: Learning strategies for sails, surfers, and anchors

    By Dawn Wilson | April 4, 2017

    Change is a challenge. Read about the different ways your team members will respond to change and how to address each type to ensure learning.

    What do teachers need in professional learning?

    By Tracy Crow | March 29, 2016

    A panel of educators recently discussed the question of teacher agency in professional learning hosted by Learning Forward and the National Commission on Teaching & America’s Future. The organizations co-published Moving from Compliance to Agency: What Teachers Need to Make Professional Learning Work, a white paper that explores the importance of amplifying teacher voice in professional learning and outlines strategies to do so.

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    Lessons on professional learning from Star Wars

    By Dawn Wilson | January 14, 2016

    What can educators learn from Star Wars? You do not have to inhabit a galaxy far, far away to learn lessons about effective professional learning. In fact, the most effective professional learning occurs within your own educational sphere, so here are six lessons to transform learning in your own universe.

    So you think you can lead?

    By Denelle West | December 7, 2015

    When we think about what hooks us to popular reality television shows, it’s often the characters that pull us in each week. Is it the odd or eccentric idiosyncrasies that leave us baffled and intrigued about what they might do next? Do we find ourselves trying to predict their behaviors and how others around them might respond? Trying to decipher the needs and behaviors of others is a critical skill that helps make leaders effective.

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