Tammie Causey-Konaté
Senior Technical Assistance Consultant
Tammie Causey-Konaté is a senior technical assistance consultant at American Institutes for Research (AIR). She leads the implementation of equity-focused initiatives for impact in areas including workforce diversification, leadership, educator effectiveness, and cultural and linguistic competence. Her areas of expertise include equity, school improvement, social and emotional learning, cultural and collective trauma, and trauma-informed educational practices. Causey-Konaté co-leads cultural and linguistic competence capacity building at AIR and engages in comprehensive action planning, resource development, and organization-wide training to support the integration of cultural and linguistic competence into all policies, practices, and projects. Previously, Causey-Konaté served as deputy director of the Southeast Comprehensive Center at AIR.
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How districts and states are addressing teacher turnover
Open your morning news app, and you’ll likely find an article that suggests the teaching profession is in crisis. Headlines shout, “Never seen it this bad” (Walker, 2021). Reports highlight the status of the teaching profession is at a 50-year low, noting sobering statistics about low teacher morale, the loss […] -
What does equity require of me?
Multiple pandemics, including COVID-19, systemic racism, and the opioid crisis, and other international emergencies have laid bare longstanding inequities that have made access to a high-quality education out of reach for too many historically marginalized students. Moreover, research reveals that education leaders often perpetuate, even if unintentionally, the very inequities […] -
Supporting and encouraging student voice and agency: Experiences and resources
This webinar will explore how to build capacity amongst educators as they seek to encourage more student voice and agency in their work. Panelists will share specific strategies, resources, and tools so that schools and districts can access and use them. -
To achieve equity, build a diverse workforce
Increasing the racial diversity of the teaching workforce is an urgent priority. Policymakers and educators are advocating for more people of color in teaching and leadership positions. We at the Center on Great Teachers and Leaders (GTL Center) agree racial diversity is paramount for building a more equitable education system. […]